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I didn't cry but I felt sad nonetheless. Zack, although a bit cheesy, was a real bro and an awesome character. I really wished he wouldn't have died. In fact, I felt more love for Zack (after beating FFVII and and FFVII crisis core) then aerith, who honestly, I didn't give two shits about.

It was an awesome game, I especially loved the gameplay, a la Kingdom hearts. Although it didn't have a ton of replay, I did spend countless hours, at least a good 30+ on pure missions. I believe I got up to 70% completion cause there was just so many and although they got repetitive, I couldn't stop doing them. They were a serious challenge.

Overall I loved this game, best soundtrack for a final fantasy besides FFXII, and a great story for fans of FFVII. If it comes for Vita, I will buy it easily. It wasn't a technical masterpiece or set a new standard for PSP games or JRPGs but for us the fans, I imagine it was an unforgettable game.

Also while on topic, favorite song from the OST. I cannot get enough of it and everytime I heard, i got pumped.


"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian