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umegames said:
This is a good thing i think. buying 2nd games is not a right, its a privlage which is actually an exploit of the EULA.

nobody expects to be able to trade or buy used microsoft office 2007 or outdated pc software, so why does gaming deserve it, because we've been doing it for decades? doesn't make it right.

boo-hoo 2nd hand retailers will have to make less money now compared to the millions they make annually.
boo-hoo people who dropped $200 + on a console to play games will have to spend a little more on the games so the devs and publisher get their due money
BOO-HOO pirating wont be an option on the nextbox...

Um actually it is a right, not a 'privlage'.  The fact that they've removed the capability to do so from recent PC software doesn't change the fact that secondhand sales of items have been a staple of commerce for thousands of years.  You don't see car manufacturers trying to tell you you're not allowed to resell your vehicle, or furniture makers saying it's illegal for you to have a garage sale.  Game developers never even mentioned any of this before the last couple of years.  The only reason software developers think they're more important is because, via the Internet, they have a way of controlling what you do with something you 'own'.

@OP: The Xbox 360 is my favourite console this generation, as was the Xbox last generation.  I've bought at least 40 retail games for each of them, at least 85% of which were bought new, and I've never pirated once.  If this used-game idiocy turns out to be true, I guarantee they won't be getting my business.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."