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Why do some games get ***, but others don't? Are they your personal favorites?

Edit: Oh I get it! They are 360/PC games....well if games on another Microsoft platform get **, shouldn't PS3/PS2/PSV(in the future) games get that same treatment? I count 8 PS3/PS2 games.

Also why does Tales of Vesperia not count? What percentage of Western JRPG gamers are fluent in Japanese? It counts, and it's damn good.

Also, with any list like this, quality is subjective. I for instance am fond of JRPG's, so although Blue Dragon only has a meta-score of 79/100, I think it's a much better game then at least half the games on this list. I also really loved Too Human, it's only of my favorite games this gen and it's metascore is 65% (IGN gave it a 7.8/100).

However there are a few games you missed, which you really shouldn't have:

Lost Odyssey - highest scoring JRPG exclusive (after Valkyria Chronicles which isn't so much a JRPG) on metacritic (82/100 on IGN, 79.79% on Gamerankings, and 78% on metacritic). Lost points for being "too old school" but that in essence is why it's so damn good.

Viva Pinyata: Trouble in Paradise - 8.5/10 game by Rare. (84% Metascore, 85/100 on IGN).....Viva Pinyata should also count since it's GamerRanking and IGN score are both 85%.

Dead Rising is also a phenominal game, nearly forgot about this one.

Also I know you said no Kinect/Move games, but Dance Central (82% Metascore) and Dance Central 2 (86% Metascore) are AAA games, and really fun to play. It might be a new rising genre, but not including them on the list would be equivalent to no including MLB: The Show. If you allow annual iterations of sports games to make this list, the bigger genre should be included too.

Reading some comments, there is also a Hot Shots Golf game for PS3 with a metascore above 80%

If you count these 8 games (including Tales of Vesperia), your list is 35-35, and I'm sure you're missing more games, for both sides. Also I know blue Dragon misses the cut off, by 1%, but as a tie breaker, I think it should count and give 360 the lead. Anyway I did this list before and I recall having closer to 40 games for both consoles, with 360 having the slight edge (for now).


If you go with games with scores 70% and higher, 360 has a major lead too.


P.S. Overall, it's Apples to Oranges, it depends on which games you like. I really like Uncharted 2, InFamous, White Knight Chronicles, Killzone, Valkyria Chronicles, and Heavy Rain, but after that I think the PS3 lineup is lame (my opinion), and I think some games like God of War and MGS are heavily over-rated. So to me, there are only really 10 must have PS3 games, and really without Uncharted and InFamous I would manage fine without a PS3, where 360 to me has about 20 must have games. 2012 really looks to improve the PS3 number for me though with two Tales of Games, The Last of Us, and The Last Guardian (I hope). Can't wait for PS4 to come out so I can finally replace my broken PS3. Want to get my Tales of groove back on, and MS really isn't doing much for the hardcore nowdays. This gen is over, PS3 and 360 are in reality tied for good exclusives.

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