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brendude13 said:
Wagram said:

My apologies to Runa, I did not take the time to delve into his profile.

Anyways if scores are to stay I think that 4 or 5 people need to review it and accumulate an average. That way lets readers know how many of the reviewers enjoyed it, and who didn't. It is possible Runa maybe growing out of JRPGs. Xenoblade is farrrrrrrrrrr worse than XIII-2 with the inconsistency in difficulty (more-so that it is just so damn easy), and grinding. I have about a 90 hour save file, and about 65-70 hours of that is me running around doing about 275 mindless head numbing fetch quests, and revealing 100% of a gigantic map that has nothing else to offer once you've done the mindless fetch/kill quests.

I know that someone on GamrConnect will review the game well, but there will be no consistency. So please Bret. Ask your team to eliminate scores, and adopt a system similar to Kotakus, or have multiple reviewers rate the same game.

This is my thought exactly, especially when he praised Skyrim for its plot (I believe it was him anyway).

What irritates me most when it comes to reviews of FFXIII/-2, is that it's score is lowered far more than any other game for the same flaw. If Skyrim has poor voice acting, 0.1 is docked from its overall score, if FFXIII/-2 has poor voicing (which I believe it doesn't), a whole point is docked from the score. If Skyrim has a very short and bland main story and the rest of your playtime is made up of fetch quests and grinding, 0.2 is docked from the overall score, if Final Fantasy XIII/-2 has a very short and bland main story and the rest of your playtime is made up of fetch quests and grinding (which once again, I don't think it is), a whole 2 points are docked from the score.

This isn't directed at Runa, I haven't seen a review of Skyrim from him and I don't know how many points he docked from its overall score and for what reasons, it's aimed at reviewers in general.

I agree with you on that seems like 13-2 is getting treated unfairly in general.