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spurgeonryan said:
Euphoria14 said:
Unfortunately according to VGC forums user law a console is doomed unless it sells a specific amount compared to the other consoles.

This might end up like 3DS all over again. People think they know and talk like they know only to later be shocked when they see just how wrong they were.

Only difference here is that unlike the 3DS, the Vita doesn't get to release worldwide before it is doomed...

Feels like 2007.

That is how it works Though. Take movies as an example. If a movie does horrible in the US the news automatically says it has bombed. I am not saying all the time, but a lot of the time. Even though World wide it may have doubled its money. Tin tin would be a good example. Did decent in America, just not enough to cover its massive budget and marketing budget. People base their comments off of first appearances.

Some do not. You do not seem to! Congrats.

As of right now, first appearances show that the Vita has not done well yet. But this just goes on and on. We ..wait ..and see..

Exactly. And I'll probably do another thread in 4-6 months when it's launched worldwide and see if people's opinions (including my own) has changed. 

People seem to be misreading the title. I said 'IS the PSVita doomed?', not 'The Vita is doomed'. I'm not saying it is, far from it. Just that Sony needs to re-think their plans if they want to either make a profit, outsell the 3DS or both. If it doesn't make money, it's failed. And thus, one can predict this by saying it's doomed to fail, often shortened to doomed. Kinda like L.A Noire. That sold awesomely, but it didn't make enough money and thus forced Team Bondi to close. And yet a game like No More Heroes can sell less than 1/10th of LA Noire, and yet still be called a success. The Vita can sell 500,000 or 5 million or 50 million or 500 million, but if it doesn't make money, it's a failure for the company. Sales are irrelevant. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.