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For the record, there have been various trailers, as you all know, that have in game fight sequences....and those look damn near CG quality.....I don't see why these screens can't be in game. Twesterm and routsounmanman say "no way that can be in-game" but if you did a little backrground research on the White Engine used for the game, it says that in this point in time, it uses 4 out of the 6 SPEs, and can produce CG quality in game. SE is optimizing the engine for the PS3 right now, which is why the release date has CONTINUED to be vague, however, from some of the things I've seen, the game is need to hesitate buying it.

about 31 seconds in, you see an in game fight compare that to the CG that was shown just seconds before.....looks pretty similar right?

@ routsounmanman

Graphics like that in-game....way