Jazz2K said:
Style over substance is the age old tale of never judging a book by its over. A company creates a beautiful aesthetic and markets everything in your face but once all thats over and a lesson is to be learned or thing to be gained there is void. What are you playing? What are you getting out of it? Is it marketed properly towards you? ETC. Substance is that which consists of, or has the the proper composition. Kinect when it comes to games as a peripheral lacks substance, yet has style which is why it attracts casuals. The Move could've just been left the PS Eye but Sony knew it needed substance to push gaming in a different direction savy? If Sony thought the Kinect was the way to go Microsoft would have no Kinect.
Q & A:
What peripheral do you think could play Ghost Recon more accurately and not need a traditional controller?
A) Wii
B) Kinect
C) Move