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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:
What's even more terrible is the view count. You'd think that something officially from MS would at least garner a few thousand views. Yet, most of their vids have less than 1,000. is a secondary viewing channel. These videos are majorly seen on Xbox Live. This brings me to another point, if Xbox Live videos are visible on Youtube and are official to Microsoft what the hell are gamers paying $60 a year for, outside of paying Activision to play Call of Duty online? 

Aside from its numerous features I only pay for Xbox Live gold because I like its very sociable community. I mean, in almost every match in BF3 or COD I can find parties who plays together and sticks together more than what I can find in other services. 

And yeah, thats about it. It may not sound like much but thats the reason why I pay for it. 

Also minecraft.


I'll message you if you want to have this debate (as to not throw off the topic any further...I was just venting). Its a losing one if this is what you're going to write.... oohhhhh  of this I am sure.

I dont really wanna argue with you. I was just saying, why I continue to pay for xbox Live. Hope that contents you.

I was stating that youtube users are getting videos which should be exclusive to us on Xbox Live. Yet another thing that isnt accounting for costs, that is all.