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Me said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Me said:
after reading IGN review I feel kinda sad, been looking forward to it for so long now all I can think off is frame rate and control issues but mainly I know the lack of mission restart will really annoy me to the point of throwing controller off the wall.

The wife and I literaly spent days when the wii first launched on some of the very last Tony Hawks downhill jam missions just retrying over and over again - this gives you so much satisfaction when one of you finally does it and the other is on the edge of their seat egging you on.

Why deliberetly remove that from a game? I just dont get it

Make sure you read some other reviews as well, and get a broad range of opinions, before you decide to purchase it or not. Reviews are only opinions, and most of them, including the IGN review, is largely positive.

It's not IGN's opinion that the missions dont have a retry option is it? you're right they are only opinions but thats a very important feature to me - it makes all of the needless driving around worth while and it is a deal breaker for me personally and if it's absent from this game then i'll probably just rent it.


I mean whats wrong with the traditional "would you like to try again?" then if you dont want to retry - you select No. The reason it's traditional is it works for a lot of people, hell you could even offer it is an in game option to switch the ability to retry missions On or Off.

Normally, I would drop this, but you seem like a smart guy, and you seem sincere about wanting to purchase the game, but having an issue, and your not the average "this game sucks because of this" fanboy who would have never played it in the first place.


If you have doubts, I suggest you rent it.


However, as I understand it, the "missions" in the game, referred to in the IGN review are basically side games meant to earn money before you move on to the meat of the game. I'm not 100 percent on this(Will be by tomorrow) but I believe the actual 12 story segments of the game are perfect in every respect and make up a good 50 or 60 percent of the game.


Like you, I know the troubles of the "no retry mission" in some games. Burnout, for instance, which was released today, requires you to drive back to the starting line after you fail. Horrible addition to the game. Grand Theft Auto also has this same foible.


However, unlike in Burnout, in NMH, such a thing is not a part of the meat of the game, and a constant issue.


So, basically, I wouldn't ask you to miss out on Burnout or the GTA series because you've had an experience of a simple annoying foible in some other game, being gamebreaking in a game you've played.


Let me assert to you, it's not. It's a minor annoyance, as is stated in the IGN review, and it's not gamebreaking, if it was, it would be at least mentioned in most of the other reviews, like the Burnout (no retry) was mentioned, in every review.


There are many reasons why not to buy NMH, but I just don't think not being able to instantly restart your grass cutting mission when you fail it, is a gamebreaker. Especially with the straightforward nature of the map, and the relative easy of navigation in the game, via the minimap, which helps to prevent that feature from being gamebreaking in San Andreas.


So, I've given my opinion on that. You decide what your choice is for yourself. You don't even have to tell me. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.