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greenmedic88 said:
crissindahouse said:
Solid-Stark said:
Not sure why people are disappointed by "6x". Thats perfect for games at native 1080 with decent settings, not to mention a price of $350-$400.

i will pay some thousand dollar for one generation i would preferto pay 100 more for much better a.i., draw distance blablub

And on a similar sarcastic note, there's a name for the minority niche consumer willing to pay $1,000 for hardware to play games the way developers intended; they're called PC gamers. 

I guess it's all a question of bang for your buck, and whether or not the big 3 will make the right decisions in offering both a good range of processing power given today's TV tech, and a competitive price. I think the cube was a good yardstick to compare to. It was high-end, and it was affordable. That's all we're asking for really.