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D-Joe said:
Netyaroze said:
Just looked up some informations on the 6670 its significantly weaker then a 5770 a 2009 Mid range GPU. 60 Euros in 2011 that means 25 bucks in 2013. This cant be real, the AMD claims of Avatar like graphics on 720 seem like delusional comments from a mentally sick person. And how are they going to even reach the 6 times more power with a 6670 based GPU.

If this is true and Sony doesnt include some Kinect like gadget for every console sold. They could end up making the only next gen console. Third Party games wouldnt benefit too much if they are multiplat. but Sony games would be a league of its own.

Also MS seems to want to compete with Nintendo directly. I cant see MS succeed if Nintendo gets all the same multiplats in similar graphic.

i can sure 100% MS will not use 6670 right now

because it dosen't support DX11.1

DX11.1's features are not needed on console, they are mainly tools for developers for performance analysis, video decoding, large shader cache for future proofing and also some improvements to multi GPU support and also tablet/ARM stuff for windows 8. 

The next XBOX will use a custom subset of DX anyway just like the 360 did, the 360 version of DX even had features that weren't added to DX on PC until DX10.1 they design the API arround the hardware on a console not the hardware to the API spec.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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