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greenmedic88 said:
crissindahouse said:
Solid-Stark said:
Not sure why people are disappointed by "6x". Thats perfect for games at native 1080 with decent settings, not to mention a price of $350-$400.

i will pay some thousand dollar for one generation i would preferto pay 100 more for much better a.i., draw distance blablub

And on a similar sarcastic note, there's a name for the minority niche consumer willing to pay $1,000 for hardware to play games the way developers intended; they're called PC gamers. 

the difference is that you get a much better gpu for 100 more (that's what microsoft could spend more so it's much better than you buying two gpu's with 100 difference) and for 100 less the gpu is a joke...the gpu costs 80 dollar nowadays what do you think what the production costs are and what they will be in a few years? 10 dollars or so? oh man yeah what a great gpu... it's not like you would need 1000 euro gpu's but the console should be at least not outdated one year before release wtf? and i still have no clue why everyone thinks the next 100 years the consoles have to have the same price which makes no sense and is not possible but yeah i had this discussion so many time with inflation, higher income and blabla it makes no sense to talk with console gamers about that.

do you know how much less it would be in 2013 to pay the same price than we had to pay in 2005? if the prices were too high in 2005/2006 for the new consoles than the same price in 2013 should be ok. for example i will get like 22% more loan than i got in 2005 if my boss will increase my loan the next time like he did the last years.

i mean if game prices will stay the same this will be even crazier. paying the same for games and console like one gen before? wow gaming is getting much cheaper then!