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kowenicki said:
brendude13 said:

Why do you get so touchy when someone (or more often than not YOU) brings this up? It's pointless information anyway. Who gives a shit about how much somebody spent on advertising?

I didn't bring it up... and rarely ever do, the only time I have brought it up recently is when I discovered just how inaccurate this was by looking at the accounts.  I dont see anything wrong with dispelling the myth and correcting factual inaccuracy.

Not sure why YOU are so touchy about it....?  I'll contiunue to correct if it is mentioned again... live with it or ingore it, I dont really care.

You just bought it up there didn't you? I remember you mentioning it in another thread where you said something along the lines of "I can't wait until they bring up the $500 million Kinect advertising budget again." I'm just pointing out that you can't seem to let it go, it hasn't been mentioned in a while and you were just putting words in his mouth right there.

All I'm wondering is why does the budget matter? Am I missing something? Many big gaming websites reported on it, and people read it and took it in. Is there any reason to be so argumentative about it. You were pretty tame about it in this thread, but you haven't been in others.

I'm not touchy about anything, how can you turn this on me?

You can continue to correct people IF they mention it again, just try to be a bit more calm and respectful. I shouldn't have even bothered replying, this is pointless.