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RolStoppable said:
Euphoria14 said:

So that's it? Keep making excuses that the Giants beat nobody and in fact the teams beat themselves? Not our fault Errant Rodgers couldn't throw to a guy wide open because the G-Men defense had his rocked. Did you not watch the same game and see Aaron Rodgers lose his cool real early on?

The guy is extremely cocky and arrogant, these things happen and they happened because the Giants got to him. 

Eli didn't throw all those TD's and get the G-Men to 37 because Rodgers missed open passes.

Can't handle a taste of your own medicine, eh? You were the one who started with "beat a bad team, only team they beat with a record of over .500", so don't throw a fit when the favor is returned.

Aaron Rodgers never came off as arrogant to me, although I can't say that I follow the NFL closely enough to catch all interviews.

My own medicine, what did I say that was a lie? Did the Pats not beat a single team that finished with a .500 record? Nobody cares what they could, would or should have had. Everyone knows all that matters in the end is where you finish. Not where you were 2-3 months before.

I also never said those .500 teams were "bad", I just stated that until Baltimore they hadn't beat a team with a record above .500 and that, plus the fact that the GIants beat the Pats at home this year, I didn't agree that the Pats should be favored next week. I was using it as part of my argument as to why I felt the Giants should have been favored.

Who says I was throwing a "fit"? I thought I have been quite calm as I easily move dbetween multiple conversations and subjects. I'm not here to try to stir up anything with anyone, I just saw your thread and felt like talking some football.


I am just arguing in this instance that the Giants deserve more credit than I see given. I hear the excuses the entire ride to work and the entire ride back. The things these callers say... oh my. I think you would like listening Rol, it's pretty funny stuff sometimes. 


As for Rodgers being cocky, it isn't like it's the worst thing in the world, I myself am actually a pretty cocky guy, we think we are better than everyone else in so many things, especially when first going into it. I guess it comes from being very overconfident, but it is a great motivational force sometimes. Anyways, Atrel Rolle mentioned on the radio the week before the Giants/Packers game that he felt Rodgers was "extremely cocky", but he loves it. There are many who don't care for that type of attitude though, I know. It was a subject constantly brought up about Rodgers. It was always felt as though he did not respect his opponents enough. Some could use that a motivational force to really try to put the hurting on him and his recievers and cause them to overthrow and their recievers to drop passes.

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