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Fayceless said:
The idea that charging for PSN would benefit sales is so far off the insanity chart I'm gonna need a telescope to figure out where it is.

PS3 has a lot of users, and potential users, that don't want to pay for online gaming. EVER. They are already in direct competition with Microsoft, they just happen to offer a free product. Forcing people to pay for it would be disastrous.

Xbox 360 users who pay for online services aren't jumping to PSN+. There's not much incentive to do so, however superior the service may (or may not) be, if all their games are already on X360.

I would be rather upset if they were to suddenly charge for basic access. I use PSN, but not regularly enough to warrant a subscription. Free PSN can be MAJOR factor in the reason people buy a PS3. Having to pay for it, just like on the 360, would not increase sales in the slightest. If anything, they could go down, because despite offering a cheaper service, it's not free! "Free," when used honestly and legitimately, is a great marketing tool. In MY personal opinion, honestly free online gaming is superior to paid online gaming, whatever bells and whistles they may add to attract nerds and FPS nuts.

Subscription to PSN is a guaranteed lose/lose situation. Sony is smarter than that............sometimes.

Sony has the right idea, look at my last post on the last page. It's a video showing you the scam that is Xbox Live. Microsoft is basically forcing consumers to pay for their own online servers instead of third parties doing it. Sony make third parties pay for their own servers which is why PSN is free. They have no reason to make us pay outside of PSN Plus.