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Scoobes said:
Ajescent said:
Scoobes said:

That rings a bell but it still felt a bit silly. Even if he did try putting up a front he should still have shown it a few times if he was hurting. I also disiked the fact that he essentially started being the guru of the group when he should still have been battling his own demons. Oh well, he was probably still one of the more interesting characters as he did evolve a lot over the game. I just think he was too emotionally mature for his age with what he'd experienced especially compared with some of the older members of the cast.

I think the reason he went silent was because by that time the story had moved on,  all I remember is him trying to play Vanille at her own game and offer her some advice. I seem to remember him being quite smart and resourceful when he wasn't crying during the earlier stages of the game (don't quote me on that as my memory of it is not that good) so maybe when his mind was clearer he was able to be more focused and be smarter.

My main gripes were with Snow (I gotta save everyone because I'm the hero!!!) and lightning (Screw y'all, you are all stupid deadweights and are slowing me down!)

I had problems with Snow and Lightning too. They didn't really develop in any way and stayed pretty boring and wooden throughout. I never quite got the point of their motivations either. At least Hope developed and if Vanille's voice didn't annoy me so much I think she was a pretty interesting character. Personally I quite liked Sazh especially in the scenes with Vanille, but they played the black sterotype a bit too much.

I never gave Sazh any time because every time I saw him, I just have a chicobo in your hair...I can't...I can't take you I never did!

I agree about Vanille, her voice and over enthusiasm killed it for me. Especially when I realised it sounded like she was having an orgasm every time she got hit...that was weird.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?