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There's so much to say about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After all, it's a massive game that prides itself in the amount of content it offers the player. The hardest part of this review is finding where to begin. So I suppose we'll start at the very beginning (it's a very good place to start).

The game starts off beautifully. Where you wake up finding yourself bound in a carraige. As a first time Elder Scrolls player (or in this case, first time Bethesda player), I found myself intrigued by this beautiful land around me. A goregous mountainous region surrounded by evergreen trees, I had to admit that the world of Skyrim was a beautiful place, and I couldn't wait to see more. The carraige kept chugging along as we made our way to the town. It was here when I got to create my character. I for one love making my own character, as I'm a huge fan of being the eyes of the protagonist (as opposed to being more of a 3rd person "puppeteer" controlling a more fleshed out character). So I chose a female Khajiit (what can I say? I blame the Chun Li effect!), and had a blast making her. Skyrim gave me lots of choices, and I hope we get even more choices for the next game (Fox/Wolf people please!). Once again, this was another great start for the game!

And after you're done creating your character, you're sent to... be exectued? Not a very good way to start off an adventure... but I decided to wait it out and see what happened. And soon enough, a great black dragon desended upon the town and wrecked havoc upon the denizens of this particular town. There was chaos everywhere, as soldiers fired upon the great beast with no effect, and every one else ran for their lives. Avoiding the creature's flames and running across the wreckage, I finally had to make my first choice: temporarily join the Stormcloaks or join the Imperials who just tried to execute you? I joined the Imperials (he seemed like a nice enough guy, despite the whole beheading thing.) and snuck into the bowels of the castle to make our escape. When we finally made it out to the countryside, I just realized that I went through one hell of a tutorial. It was fast, frantic, and most importantly... fun. I hate to bring Zelda in here (because I really do abhor the Zelda/Skyrim comparisons.), but really... this is how you start a game!

However, looking back on Skyrim now... 100 hours since that moment... in many ways that was the best part of the game.

Maybe "best" isn't the right word. But I can say with certainty that the beginning was more engaging, visceral, exciting, and just more awe inspiring than anything else you'll ever come to see in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There are some moments that come close, like your first dragon fight, your first dungeon, when you first enter BlackReach, or when you attack/defend Whiterun in the Civil War quest... but these are just fleeting, hollow moments when you realize that there's nothing hugely significant about any of these things, and that they're all just one of many. Your first dragon battle was everything you hoped it would be right? A giant dragon breathing fire upon the soldiers at your side, and with enough patience (land damn you!) you finally slay the beast! Unfortunately, this is as good as it's going to get, because each and every dragon you fight afterwards is just the same thing all over again. Sure, the location will change, and maybe you'll even fight two at a time... but other than that (as well as their names and difficulty), each one requires the same exact strategy to defeat. Even Alduin, the greatest dragon of them all... is nothing more than a beefed version of that first dragon you slayed hours and hours ago. What a disappointing final boss.

And how about those dungeons? Dungeons and more dungeons... as far as the eye can see! I couldn't wait to go and discover the many secrets that they no doubtedly held. And to be honest, the first few dungeons were captivating and a blast to go though. Battling Draugr and Spiders, finding loot and awesome new weapons, finding the key to the giant door... maybe even discovering a new Thu'um! But just like the dragons, these underground labyrinths (and to be honest, the vast majority are nothing more than glorified corridors) were just one of many. Although to be fair, unlike the dragons were were actually two styles of dungeons (that's double the amount!): Nord dungeons (Yay Draugrs!) and Dwemer dungeons (Yay Falmers!). There's a couple of dungeons that shake things up, like the before-mentioned BlackReach (which like the rest of Skyrim... is quite beautiful). But these areas are the exception and not the rule. After a while, the dungeons just started to blend together... and lost all their luster during my 100 hours of playing.

As for the quests, there's a couple of great quest lines out there. My favorite was probably The Companions Guild questline... as it told a decent story with some twists and turns along the way. It also led to some interesting gameplay changes in becoming a Werewolf. Other than that... my times with the other Guids were hit and miss. Skyrim is a game about choosing your own path... but it's obvious that comparitively, Bethesda rewarded those who chose a more... sinister play style. In the Dark Brotherhood questline, you can choose to kill Astrid (the leader of the assassin's group) rather than the three hostages (who are actually innocent). This starts a new quest to rid Skryim of The Dark Brotherhood. Yet instead of getting a new questline with a neat new story, all I got was one pitiful quest to kill the rest of the Brotherhood in their sanctuary.

And there's also the Thieves Guild, and I first heard about them through Mjoll the Lioness who wanted to clean the city and get rid of the Thieves once and for all. This sounded great to me, as I was one who didn't take kindly to stealing from others and using power to push the weak around. But could one actually do this? Nope... your only choices were to either join the Theives Guild and start a new questline, or ignore them and do nothing (you can't even kill some of them like you could with Astrid and the Dark Brotherhood). So I decided to join them because at that point... I just wanted to get the most out of this game. So for players who want to be the good guys: you can still play Skyrim, but in the end you'll be playing less of a game compared to those who choose the naughtier path (Heck, you even get Achievements for completing The Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild questlines. "Choose you own path"... Good one Bethesda.).

There's also a plethora of other, more confined quests around the whole world of Skyrim... but unfortunately the vast majority of these are just glorified fetch quests (I thought fetch quests were a big no no? I guess it's alright if there's hundreds of 'em). Not all of them are drab and dull however, as there's a handful of singular quests to look into, especially the Daedric Quests. These quests shake things up, keep your on your toes, and are truly fun to be a part of (despite the Daedric Princes being complete jerks for the most part).

At this point, you probably think I dislike The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Actually, I quite enjoyed myself during my time with Skyrim... otherwise I wouldn't have played the game for 100 hours! The game may not provide a thrilling rollercoaster ride like some of my favorite games out there, and in reality Skyrim provided an experience more in line with a plateau. The pacing of the game was much more methodical... no high highs (except for a few moments of brilliance) or low lows (except game breaking glitches... I can tell you that those are NEVER fun), just an even keeled game that provided for a surprisingly addictive adventure.

In the end, when I look back at this game, I probably wont talk about those truly incredible moments... for there are too few of those in Skyrim. I probably wont talk about those truly awful moments... for those are too few in Skyrim as well. I'll just talk about a fun and addictive game. For good or bad, that's what it is. No more, and no less.

8/10 (Great)