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If I am wanting to give a present to my favoured games company, then I will say Gran Turismo to Nintendo, if the only scenario was the change of hands for the IP though it wouldn't do much, but if this move involves making sure Nintendo puts it to use, or that the right developers go with it then definitely GT to Ninty.

As a pure exercise of gaming desire though, dredge up TimeSplitters from wherever it is at the moment and give it to someone who can: 1. Do some good with it, and 2. Put it on the Wii (don't care if it's exclusive or not).

Actually the above could also go for Pilotwings, Blast Corps, Eternal Darkness and maybe Perfect Dark too. Although I think with Pilotwings I would be hesitant letting it out of Nintendo's hands unless Paradigm goes with it. (though looking at their history they don't seem to have done anything good since N64)