hikaruchan on 14 January 2012
2000cc said: I've finally just got every ending for (the full version of) FF13-2 (i have the japanese version) and I can confirm it is brilliant, rates as my 4th favourite FF ever, though be prepared to sink some serious time in if you want them all (probably 150-200 hours depending on how fast you play, I'm a slow player personally). Lets just say there are some times trying to get all endings you may be a bit annoyed about the non linearity, but story, characters & game is all great. Well worth looking forward to Cant wait for Ni No Kuni, I've resisted importing it previously because of Atelier Meruru & FF's type 0 & 13-2 releasing in the same year & i'm a pretty obsessive player on all of those. But looking forward to it coming out in english soon |
You will love NI NO KUNI it is a trully beautiful Game^w^
I love every part of it^w^
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