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Jexy said:
crissindahouse said:

@ jexy

you should know that you count unemloyement different than others. if you would count it like we do you would have more as well. it's just a different system to count in different countries (no clue read this somewhere few years ago)

and you really see it worse than it is (and btw in europe we all hate moodys etc. because they insta downgrade european countries but not the usa). yes there are some fucked countires but most aren't. the euro is a problem and could be a huge for most countries but the economy itself is very good in most european countires compared to their situation let's say 10 years ago.

it's just so stupid that moodys and the others ones all come from usa how can this be fair?

Do any of you trade stocks or anything of the sort?  Go to school for economics and finance?  You sound horribly misinformed.  You guys forget S&P said they were considering downgrading nearly every Eurozone country and bank a couple weeks back?  I know how it's all calculated, and I know the numbers.  It's more socialist there and there are more social programs to help the unemployed there than the USA has, thus the stigma of being unemployed here is much worse, because its more unusual. 

I don't see it as worse than it is.  I know exactly what my money is doing there and I read about it all day every single day.  The Eurozone countries are hurting bigtime sans Germany.  I don't care about the rest of Europe because they don't make a dent globally in the economy compared to the others. 

And where were you when S&P downgraded the USA and Moody's threatened to?  Except S&P were off in their calculations by 2 trillion.  It's fair because they don't have an allegiance towards any country.  They only care about money.

i'm not uninformed but you really say what the problem of the usa and the relation to europe is atm. it's one of the big news over half an year now how you americans see only bad in europe which is destryoing  a lot even when we relly have no problems here. the problems come with you saying "it's all doomed" and then the money isn't worth anything after that. yes s&p for example in ne of them as well which we europeans hate atm because you jonly hear "bad europe bad europe" and america was (or is) printing money like hell for the economy but hey who cares we are americans we just talk shit about the others. we print billions but we get the aaa rating lol (yeah usa lost the s&p top rating but it should be way behind finland or so)

i think you have no clue how we even think in europe to start our own s&p and moodys so we don't have to get fucked news from them every day without any reasons compared to the usa-situation.

this whole stock market shit is the problem it destroyes everyhing even when there isn't a huge problem. stock market got too much power compared to so many induytries who are not even involved in this shit.

yes i said it the euro is fucked because of spain, italy, greece and portugal but that doesn't change the fact that many europeans countries would have never dreamed of the situation they ere atm 15 years ago. like many eastern european countries for example.

and if you would count unemployement like we do you would have more than many european countries. man in germany you are even unemployed with a job if its only a small one.

for example i think that you think it has to be bad atm in france and i really think it's much easier to get a decent job and a decent life in france than in usa.


have to sleep n now^^