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evolution_1ne said:
crissindahouse said:
evolution_1ne said:
crissindahouse said:

the problem of sony and us gamers as well? because less money for sony means less money in the future for better and new products.

*cue Vita walking through the door and slapping the hell out of that statement*

or do you think they would be always so great with their games burning money the next 20 years?

because they're gonna be burning money for the next 20 years right???

no it's a huge problem for them they see that this didn't work so they will change their startegy the next generation.

or you misinterpreted the strategy and they're gonna do exactly what they were planning to do in which you and everyone like you will go on and on about how they got smarter and did 180, yadda, yadda, yadda, just like this gen when PS3 went for 3rd to 1st.

you like how the ps3 workde for you but ones for sure the next gen won't be like this for you because that was a flop for sony.

lol me and Sony know for a fact next gen will be different, it the rest of you that need to get on the same page

i'm not even sure if you understand what i mean lol.

they really released a new handheld? wow yes this totally proves that a company doesn't need to make money to have more of it for r&d...they can have just 10% of the money the competition has and they will still be much better forever! ;)

LOL pretty much, Nintendo made more in a year than Sony did in a generation and the Vita is almost 5 times more powerful than the 3DS and they launched at the same price

just like i said, they would burn money the next 20 years trying to play the role they played this gen.

yup you don't get it, ok I'll throw you a bone, what made the ps3 sooo expensive and cost Sony soooo much money, and how much do you think that stuff is costing them now???

it was a huge financial flop for them you can deny it like you want that doesn't change it and it doesn't change it that companies with money are in a better position now and sony doesn't have so much of that anymore.

You could say they are, I'm not stopping you from saying that

maybe you think i'm a fanboy hoping that sony will fail but that's not true i would love to see all three big players making much more money than they do  and i would love to see all selling double the amonunt than they did.

i just say that the ps3 was not really a succes. yes they won the blu-ray war (maybe they would have won it without ps3 as well) but i bet if you would be a close firend of the sony boss he would say you "the ps3 was really not the success we were hoping for"

which is only what YOU would say lol

i really don't wish to talk more about that it's not like i would care a lot about this success thing^^

but i hate one thing, you always reply to my first post and i always edit it the same time you are answering that post! lol just joking. at least i changed it a little bit to look better for sony^^

btw just because the vita is more powerful means nothing. i bet nintendo could make the vita as well if they would like (yes sony could make the 3ds as well)

why isn't there a sign showing that someone edited his post? almost every forum has this right? this would help a lot sometimes^^