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evolution_1ne said:
crissindahouse said:
evolution_1ne said:
kowenicki said:
evolution_1ne said:

slowmo said:
No it's not a success. It lost too much money to ever be labelled a success really. There's only 2 reasons the doom and gloom predicted regarding the PS3 didn't come true, Sony did a blinder on shutting their mouth and stop spouting crap disguised as facts in their PR statements and the 360 had it's hideous hardware failure issues. Had the 360 been reliable at launch the PS3 would have been stillborn.

For people saying there was just doom and gloom for no reason back in 2007/2008, I assure you there was every good reason.

no it wasn't

The console back then was overpriced, underpowered

selling for almost 300 dollars LESS than what it's worth is "overpriced" how about more expensive than the competiton, and lol at underpowerd, the slim added hardware I didn't know about??

and it took a long time and many exclusives to try and sway that opinion.

was the only problem it had early on, but those games came and all the haters STFU

Both the PS3 and Sony deserved every thread wrote about them for their arrogance and thankfully they listened to devs, consumers, journalists and fixed the issues that people complained most about.


P.S. I don't think it was worth the hit Sony took to get Bluray in the PS3 but I certainly appreciate it now (although I'd have been just as happy for HD-DVD to have won tbh).

anyway: number 1 selling console of the year, currently has the best software support of the 3, no longer selling console for a loss, succeeding in laying the ground work for next gen console better than it's competitors, sounds like a success to me

Do you live in an alternate universe where losing half of your market share and over $5bn due to the PS3 doesn't matter?

Sony corporation is worth (market cap) half of what it was only 1 year ago, a fifth of what it was just a few years ago... there are many reasons for that and the performance of the PS3 is one of them

past performance is one of them, if this thread was made in 07/08 you'd have a leg to stand on, but as it stands now PS3 is doing better than the 360 and wii

and....... I swear I've said this before but, what has Sony losing money mean anything negative about the ps3, if this generation is any indication the more the company made in profit the less they're platform was supported, MS: hey we're making so much money on live, lets reward our INCREASING the price, and Nintendo...well they're just downright insulting, made more profit in one year than Sony did in the ENTIRE ps2 generation and only one 1 high profile exclusive, that's just sad. I mean your sentiment is one of why am I not mad I can't brag about Sony's financials just for the sake of bragging about their financial. I'm a gamer first and foremost, games are what I care about, and I don't where you've been, but as of late Sony has invested in and probably  made more games than Nintendo and Microsoft combined

Sorry but I can't play profits nor can I play market share, if you asked anybody last gen what made the PS2 so awesome it was, how much it sold and how much money it made wouldn't be anywhere on that list and it killed it's competition. Now I understand why a Nintendo and Microsoft fan would argue differently but to me games are what matter in this industry, and judging the ps3 as a games console which is what it is, it's a success. You DON'T have to be number one, nor do you have to sell a billion units to be successful, all you have to do is what you set out to do, and on that note, the PS3 is a success, it's a brilliant games console and currently outperforming both of it's competitors, and that is success.

P.S. so what it didn't sell as much as the ps2, here's a fun fact NO ONE sold as much as the ps2, so either Sony dominates or no one does

and how exactly does this change what kowenicki said? he said sony failed hard financially and that's right. he said they lost a lot of marketshar to the competition and that'S right. he didn't say they have no great games or anything, just that, if you are working for sony, have invested in sony or whatever, this was really not like you was hoping for.

so the threat should be called is the PS3 a success.... for investors, in which case I wouldn't have said anything becasue I'm not an investor

i don't really now how someone can define the word success otherwise talking about a product of a company. i edited my post as you replied to me there i wrote what i mean.

talking about how great the games are isn't a success for me talking about a company losing money with that product.

it's a success for me buying this console but not really a success for sony...

that's just how i think, a company makes a product to earn money and losing money with that product can never be a success in my opinion no matter how great this product is.

there is one exception, a company starting with something new and burining money the first years to win money 20 years later or so but that's not the plan of sony with the ps3