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Marks said:
Reasonable said:
For me any properly policed and stable society has no need for personal armament. I have no problem with gun clubs, permit based hunting with guns, etc. or gun ownership with a reason in general but just having guns lying around seems pointless - and if you really need them for protection in your home or while mobile then your society isn't stable enough in terms of policing and civic order.

So I guess I'd like to see less need for guns without actually banning them. I would like to see the linkage of firearms to US citizenship and freedoms removed though.

I'd rather let me defence be my responsibility, than the responsibility of a unionized cop who has no stake in what happens to me. 

And when a burglar breaks into your house with a knife (or even a gun) would your rather have a handgun or a phone so you can call 911 and hope they arrive before you're dead. I'd rather have a handgun.

And my question for you is how would we achieve this properly policed society? Do you really want a cop and a few cameras on every street corner? I know I wouldn't. 

Off topic, but ditch the handgun for home defense. 12 gauge security shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot makes a bigger statement and is far more effective for that type of application. 

More on topic, before anyone bothers to reply to the more cops more cameras solution; there's a finite limit to how many police officers can be on the beat at a given time (hint: it's nowhere near the same number as a military occupation of a city) and surveillance cameras are only good for providing evidence in the prosecution of a crime. Cameras won't stop a crime in progress. Not particularly helpful to the victim if they're dead.