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Outlawing gun ownership won't stop anything.

In the UK, after a series of grizzly and unfortunate attacks on children at their schools, Westminster outlawed gun ownership except for hunters, police, security forces, and the military.

Cut to modern day UK, in parts of the UK, Scotland for example, knifing attacks are frequent. Whereas in the US, we have been taught that knife attacks are usually very personal, in the UK knife attacks are all too often random and deadly. Glaswegian gang members routinely knife each other in initiation and turf battles. The use of knives as weapons in the UK has become so rampant that the violence is senseless and common place. I know of people who've been knived by neds for no other reason then party goers wouldn't supply alcohol to the neds who weren't invited to the party and were refused entry to the home. A reasonable assumption for any normal human being, but apparently in a neddish frame of mind an afront to a reasonable request on his part.

The effort to curb knife violence there is now so ridiculous that this Summer the police warned a woman in England that she could not brandish a knife in view of chavs who had been breaking into her home, otherwise she would be arrested. As well, in Scotland legislation was introduced making it illegal to step out of a home with any sort of knife, what so ever. It didn't matter whether the intention was to cut a egg and cress sandwich, or to knife an intruder who had left your home. Walking over the threshold of the doorway was illegal.

As much as I don't like guns, and as horrible as gun violence is, the problem is not guns. People who have the intent to kill or murder someone in a given situation will use whatever means they have available to do it. Per capita, random gun violence in the US is much rarer than random knife violence in the UK.

I don't think taking away guns will solve the cause of the violence, it'll just mean more people will die from knife violence.