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Well I don't know about creationists, (Those who blindly ignore scientific fact and try to force things into a smaller time frame, ie young universe theories), but the creation account cannot be debunked by science. The account contained in Genesis has been praised by scientist because of the order is exactly how it would look from a bystander on Earth. (The word day in the original Hebrew has the mean of era or period of time.)

Also the account on what life came first is supported by the fossil record. (The family "trees" need to be interconnected which isn't the case.) Plus the number to "missing-links" have has decreased since the 1800's with the improvement of technology.

Math also plays a part. The provability and possibility of the varying evolutionary theories is deep in what mathematicians call the realm of impossibility. (Where the chance are so low that it would take more time then is given, ie the age of the universe.) The book Darwin's Black Box, written by Biochemist Michael Behe, touches on this subject when he covers the "irreducibly" complex system of the cascading clotting system. It is a very good and technical read.

There is also the order and fine tuning of the universe needs to support life. The list goes on. I did write nearly a hundred page essay on this for Biology in collage.

The conclusion is the record in Genesis and the records of science are too similar in nature that neither can be debunked without having to into the past and witnessing it.