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KungKras said:
chris.m95 said:
Jexy said:
chris.m95 said:
Jexy said:

My next door neighbor is human.  That would be murder.  You a fool?

You're from the UK... perfect.  You import most of your goods.  So of course you wouldn't understand.  You think the UK can support all the food that you eat over there?  That's why you get a lot of it from countries that have it, like the USA.  That;s why your prices are higher for many things.  Because you have to pay for that importing cost.  You have NO clue how hunting works over here, and your comments on that are apparent.  When you don't keep the population of certain animals in check, they destroy the wildlife, and can kill other animals, plants, and farms in the process.  They can decimate the landscape.  You know that that means?  It means no food.  For anyone.  That's when you can sometimes see wild animals roaming the suburbs for food.  We do return them to the wild in most cases.  No one said we kill it.  YOU did. 

And now you're bringing Nazi's into this?  Get over yourself already.  You're an insult to.... everything.

Sounds like I pissed off someone who is quite ignorant.  My apoligies.  I should use smaller words next time.  What's the difference though?  You'd just put words in my mouth like you just did here.

1st point: So an animal isnt as important as a human and killing an animal isnt murder, am i getting this right?

2nd point: The UK does import many goods as you suggested but to kill animals to stop what you call an infestation? By doing that arent you playing god? My opinion is that there is no "infestation" just an eco system that you seem to be trying to claim for yourselves which in my opinion is selfish.

3rd point: Animals "decimate the landscape" you know if you want to protect crops you can put up fences maybe those with a small eletric current to stop them getting in? In that sense you arguement for what i believe is poinless killing is flawed as you can protect land with fences.

4th point: I apologiese for bringing the nazis into this i went too far but too me it seems that way, killing for the point of killing

5th point: No youve pissed off someone who deosnt find it easy to justify killing the way you do. 

There you go. no putting words in your mouth, actual quotesfrom your arguements, an apology, my points of view nothing more.

You're right.  Killing an animal for food is not murder.  Murder is, by definition: a crime of killing somebody: the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law, or Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human being.

Notice how those definitions say human being, and person.  Not animals.  I live in the real world.  In the real world, humans are at the top of the food chain.  If that makes us playing God, then so be it.  Maybe God shouldn't have given us this incredible advantage over other species then?  Go talk to him about that.  Even if you're a vegan, all the products you eat were made possible by killing thousands and millions of smaller creatures, you know the kind that get crushed by the farming equipment as it goes through the fields? 

And while we are on it.  Go sue the lions and cheetas who brutally run down their prey, stab it multiple times, and rip its throat out as it wiggles and dies slowly... you know, much worse than an instant kill shot through the heart.  That's murder by your definition right?  And they don't need to eat just like we don't need to eat right? 

So you would have most of the world go hungry then?  You want most of the billions of people on this planet to die?  Some humanitarian you are.  Join PETA dude.  They seem right up your alley.  The only reason you eat what you do is because of the practices that humans do in regards to farm land and hunting.

Fences?  They already do that.  Doesn't stop much, not to mention, if they can't afford fences to stop illegal immigrants, what makes you think they could do it to guard all the land we use for farming?  But forget about being practical that way.  Small electrical current?  You want to pay for that?  You want to install that?  And small current?  Small like those invisible fences for dogs?  That I've seen dogs run right through when a cat runs across the street?  Or enough to kill the animal dead and stop it's heart.  Otherwise, fences aren't stopping anything, definitely not anything hungry, nevermind the smaller animals who will just dig underneath it.

You justify killing by eating the food you do, you just don't know it.  It's called being at the top of the food chain.  Welcome to humanity.

Im no veggie but you kill not just for food but because there are too many? Thats basically hunting seasons purpose or am i putting words in your mouth again? The food is just a bi-product of reducing an "overgrown population" I eat food that is killed humainly and purely bred for food. Those animals are electrified before death so they dont feel a thing. 

Again we are at the top of the food chain but doesnt mean we have the right to kill a species because there are too many. It sounds like birth control, killing off those that cant speak for them selves or defend themselves because theres too many of them. You must admit its a similar polocy.

On the topic of brutal killings by lions etc. Its in their nature and they know no better, you and other hunters though do know better. Im not saying a bullet isnt an instant kill although sometimes it wont be but i am aginst the fact you are killing them because theres "too many" 

Again i would kill myself to eat but not because of a surplus population, THAT IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF NOT THAT THEY ARE KILLED FOR FOOD!!! I do not wish for the world to die of hunger but in america? I know there are slums there but if you can afford a gun and ammo you can surely just buy normal food?

I think that electricity is cheaper than amunition or again am i wrong? Also you kill it for eating food? Im sure if some guy off the street stole your food you wouldnt shoot him so why shoot an animal for doing the exact same thing? I except your arguement that smaller creatures could tunnel under but a little wire mesh going into the ground never hurt anyone?

Top of the food chain means that all animals below you are prey and respect you but doesnt mean you can go around needlessly killing them, with great power comes great responsibility.

In a previous comment you called me "ignorant" That is coming from the guy with the gun. Overhunting leads to extinction and killing because theres an "infestation" causes me to question your basic human emotions. I take it this is a hobby or pass time (please correct me if im wrong)

Last point: At the age of 16 I am a firm believer in humanity. We have our flaws and ive studied many of them but in most cases we make up for that with our feats of science, medicine and sacrifice. I also believe that as intelligent beings we have a commitment to those who do not share our intelligence. I refuse to believe humanity would murder because there are too many of another species (a harmless species in 99% of cases) If humanity really is a race of brutes then i would no longer wish to be associated or one of them.

Wait a second... Do you really think that the animals that you eat have it any better than the hunted animals who have spent their lives living in the wild? You should really visit some pig and/or chicken farms then, because believe me, if I had to choose between being a deer and live a free life until sudden death by shotgun, or being a pig that has its balls cut off without anasthetic and lives its entire life in a one square meter pen without any room to move before being slaughtered, I'd choose to be a deer anyday.

Besides, what makes deer more worth than pigs or cows? Why is industrialized systematic killing of animals more okay to you than just going out and shooting something for meat like people have done over thousands of years? You should either be against all killing of animals for food, or you are a hypocrite.

Keeping a population in check by hunting isn't going to lead to extinction if the hunting is carried out responsibly. I didn't follow this conversation from the beginning, but noone is for the extinction of any species, right?

Im a free range guy not a battery farm supporter. I didnt say that deer were worth more than pigs/cows im just against hunting them when there are "too many of them" Doesnt seem fair to them. 

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

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