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I wholeheartedly agree that POPULAR music since the 2000s has sucked major balls.. not all music though, as there's actually some really good stuff out there put out over the past decade that I've really enjoyed, mostly in the indie and semi-underground (for America anyway) metal scene.

Personally, I pinpoint the beginning of music industry's downward spiral midway through 1997, right around the time manufactured pop singers and groups like Backstreet Boys and NSYNC, and later Britney Spears were forced onto the public and MTV's TRL started promoting this shit to all the teens and tweens every single day. Still, the late 90s had some memorable songs, but once 2000 hit all bets were off.

There's been a couple diamonds in the rough over the past decade though... Alice in Chain's Black Gives Way To Blue was the best album by a popular rock group I've heard in years, and big releases by some of my fave metal stalwarts like Iron Maiden and Helloween keep my PC and mp3 players rockin'. I'll leave you with one of my most favorite songs of the last decade to give you hope that music isn't completely dead yet...

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.