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Found this great preview for Lost Odissey. The title up was not said to be a negative thing.

Here's the Link -

Here's some parts

<Edit> I was going to put lots of parts, but the article is too big (I'm leaving two parts below),  if you're interested in the game take the 5 minutes and read it..

"... If you're a gamer who turns to games to escape real-life difficulties, Lost Odyssey may be too much for you. It's a bleak and frank title about the frailty of human nature in a way that no one has any reason to expect a video game to be. I find it wonderful as an experimental change of pace..."

"In short, Lost Odyssey is a game for very hardcore, die-hard RPG fans who play a lot of games and, as a result, have very specific tastes. As of this preview build, the game may be too difficult to appeal to a mass audience. If you want a title that challenges you and presents incredibly unusual stories and characters, this is the game for you. If you simply want to play Final Fantasy, then keep waiting because Lost Odyssey is not what you want. It may well be the opposite. "

This is one of the few previews thats completly changed my outlook on a game. My interest level went from a " Yeah, I'll probably buy it used" to "Dammit, why isn't it out yet!!"

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)