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osamanobama said:

which is funny because that was caused by our government in the first place. (fanny and freddy) they pretty much forced with lots of incentives for banks to gives out loans to people who had no business having them because "it was a right to own a home"


but yes unlike 90% of what our government does, owning guns is constitutional.

I remember Democrats calling Republicans racist in congress when they didn't want to pass the law that made Fannie and Freddie to give out the subprime loans.  The Dems said that not only was owning a house a "right" as opposed to a heard earned "priveledge", but that if all those ethnic minorities could just move to the suburbs, all that crime would be reduced and they would learn better.  What they failed to realize was that you need a JOB first to support that life, THEN you move to the nice area.  Living in a nice area if you're poor and dumb as balls won't make your life automatically better.  Ugh.  I need to stop.  The government's stupidity is overwhelming.