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Jexy said:
deskpro2k3 said:

I'd say keep guns for the police and soldiers. the days of hunting in the wilds like in the 1800s is over in my opinion.

They should make bullets expansive instead. Like $600 per round. If someone got shot, you know they must have done something to worth a $600 bullet. I wont be surprised if the shooter went back for the bullet.

Spoken like a person who has no clue about the wildlife population that would go out of control if it weren't for hunting season, and spoken like a person who has never hunted for food, which many Americans do.

I am going to just step in briefly for this conversation considering I graduated with a wildlife and fisheries management degree.  Do you have any idea how wrong your statement is when you actually take a step back and look at it?  Do you understand why deer populations go out of control?  The reason why is because there was a mass slaughter of wolves or any other predator that humans were scared of in the USA.  If you take out the predators then of course you will have their prey population explode until they use up the resources and die off to sustainable levels.  You act like the only way to control wildlife population is through hunting....  While this can be a decent way for wildlife agency to make money, hunting is by no means a good way of population control.  Just come down to Texas and try and get the feral hog population in control with human methods (guns, traps, poison, etc..).  You know what?  You can't because they have been trying for a very long time with no success.  You act like a person who has no clue about the food chain which is elementary science.  I am 99.9% sure that wildlife populations didn't evolve depending on humans to keep their populations in check.