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chris.m95 said:
Jexy said:

WTF are you talking about?

You sound exactly like a tree hugging hippie. 

And there is a system in place.  It's called hunting.  If it wasn't for it, most of the food (non meat) you eat wouldn't be possible, at least not at those affordable prices.

WTF are you talking about? Would you kill your next door neighbour because they kept coming in your back garden and then say it was for food and land especially at these "affordable prices"?

Im not an american either im from the UK where we dont hunt our food for land we have a system of farming an argriculture whereby the food we eat has the countryside and we get the cities, if a stray deer wonders into a city we dont kill it we return it to the wild.

Youve pissed me off. Just caus an animal wonders into your town or maybe is just roaming where it lives you kill it? You sound like the nazis when they said the jews were infesting the cities and so they must be killed. 

My next door neighbor is human.  That would be murder.  You a fool?

You're from the UK... perfect.  You import most of your goods.  So of course you wouldn't understand.  You think the UK can support all the food that you eat over there?  That's why you get a lot of it from countries that have it, like the USA.  That's why your prices are higher for many things.  Because you have to pay for that importing cost.  You have NO clue how hunting works over here, and your comments on that are apparent.  When you don't keep the population of certain animals in check, they destroy the wildlife, and can kill other animals, plants, and farms in the process.  They can decimate the landscape.  You know that that means?  It means no food.  For anyone.  That's when you can sometimes see wild animals roaming the suburbs for food.  We do return them to the wild in most cases.  No one said we kill it.  YOU did. 

And now you're bringing Nazi's into this?  Get over yourself already.  You're an insult to.... everything.

Sounds like I pissed off someone who is quite ignorant.  My apoligies.  I should use smaller words next time.  What's the difference though?  You'd just put words in my mouth like you just did here.