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maximus22 said:
Jexy said:

Not only that but the statistics say just about the exact opposite of what this guy says.

I would think so.  But even if my odds were one in a thousand, they're better than they would be without guns.

Vast majority of criminals aren't doing crimes with nothing to lose.  To say that is ill-informed and idiotic.  Criminals are still people, and they don't want to get shot, and they don't want to die.  Just get in a corner where it's hard to see you, preferably on the other side of a bed so your hands can be kept steady.  Yell out a warning that you have a gun, are willing to use it, and if necessary, fire a warning shot.  That should be all you need to do in the majority of cases.  Criminals make stupid decisions, but they aren't completely ignorant.  They aren't going to go rushing into a place where they could wind up dead if they know about it.