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Andrespetmonkey said:
Jexy said:

Well the topic is about USA and guns, and the crime.  I took what you said and applied it to the topic.  Scandinavia isn't great because of the high taxes and socialistic properties, it's great because everyone is the same and they all agree on the main topics that normally throw most diverse countries off course.   So if someone were to read what you wrote, then say, the USA should be like that, I'm just saying it wouldn't work. 

Look I really do understand and agree with you, that was just a reply to someone elses claim that high taxes in Scandinavia was a bad thing. I was simply telling him that they aren't a bad thing for Scandinavia. I know the systems in place in Scandinavian countries only work on a small scale. When did I say the USA should be like that? I think the USA should be the opposite.

I'm still struggling to see how your replies relate to that post, sorry for the misunderstanding.

You must have missed the part where I said, I'm taking what you said, and applying it to the topic at hand.  And then I said, I'm writing this because someone could take it wrong, and read that because it works there, it could work in the USA as well.  And I was making sure anyone who read that didn't get the wrong idea.  Because that same thing has happened before in these very forums.  It wasn't so much a direct reply to what you said to who you were responding to, more of a general response to what you said.