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chris.m95 said:
Jexy said:

Ok buddy.  Go hug all the deer and be friends.  Let me know how that turns out.

Hey, im no idiot or tree hugging hippy. I much prefer humans to animals but we have to remember that we too are animals. Segregation from animals, violence towards them all of this leads to war in us humans and one day these animals are likely to evolve an instinct, a hatred towads us. Whats so bad with living with animals anyway? if there is a system to allow for it whats the problem?

WTF are you talking about?

You sound exactly like a tree hugging hippie. 

And there is a system in place.  It's called hunting.  If it wasn't for it, most of the food (non meat) you eat wouldn't be possible, at least not at those affordable prices.