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Jexy said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Jexy said:

One I agree, those Scandanavian countries are some of the best to live in. 

However, they aren't exactly in line with how the USA is at all, nevermind politically, I mean diversity.

Those countries, like most countries in the world that aren't the USA, are not diverse at all.  It's just a bunch of like-minded white people.  The more diversity, the more hatred, and the more crime.  In the USA, black people hate white people, hispanic people hate blacks, white people hate hispanics, etc etc etc.  Other countries do not have to deal with this mix of populations.  Sure, it's a small % of the population who does this, but all that gang crime happens mostly between the low lifes in their all black, all hispanic, and all white gangs.  And they fight eachother.  Even prison divides up into ethnicities.  Sometimes things aren't so pretty when you have uneducated (and unable to be educated) people living in poverty, who resort to animal like behavior in "proving" themselves to be the tough guy.  I mean shoot, the number one way for a black man to die in this country is to be shot, and by another black man. 

Also, the USA is WAY bigger than those countries... so once you have so many cities that are so much larger, etc... crime starts to happen.  I think the rest of Europe right now is proving that those Scandanavian systems don't work on a larger scale. 

Also, not sure where that graph is from... but Egypt being one of the more peaceful countries?  What a joke.

Ok, I completely agree with you. The point I was making is that scandinavia is a great place to live, even with the very high taxes. What does this have to do with the point I was making? 

Well the topic is about USA and guns, and the crime.  I took what you said and applied it to the topic.  Scandinavia isn't great because of the high taxes and socialistic properties, it's great because everyone is the same and they all agree on the main topics that normally throw most diverse countries off course.   So if someone were to read what you wrote, then say, the USA should be like that, I'm just saying it wouldn't work. 

Look I really do understand and agree with you, that was just a reply to someone elses claim that high taxes in Scandinavia was a bad thing. I was simply telling him that they aren't a bad thing for Scandinavia. I know the systems in place in Scandinavian countries only work on a small scale. When did I say the USA should be like that? I think the USA should be the opposite.

I'm still struggling to see how your replies relate to that post, sorry for the misunderstanding.