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maximus22 said:
kanageddaamen said:
maximus22 said:
kanageddaamen said:

I think gun ownership is idiotic, a practice done only by hunters and paranoid nut jobs.

I also think people should have a right to be hunters, or paranoid nut jobs.

Gun ownership is a lot like drug use (which is funny because people advocating for personal freedom in one usual are against personal freedom in the other) The VAST majority of gun owners will never shoot a person, and the vast majority of those who do will do so in self defense, just like the VAST majority of drug users will never have their choices impact a single other person negatively.  You can't use the "possibilty of damage" to justify stripping people of personal liberties.

What Americans REALLY need to learn is that we should not be telling people what we think they should and should not be doing in the privacy of their own home.

Also, 2 side notes.

1.) An armed militia will NEVER be able to overthrow the government. I can't believe people compare it to Iraq. Even if you get 1000 people with AK 47s, a squadron of tanks could easily roll in and squash them. The 2nd amendment was really only applicable when both sides (government and citizens) had access to the same arms. Republicans bloating of the defense budget has ensured that those days are gone forever

2.) I grew up with a Swedish step mother and Scandanavian socialism will NEVER work here. We have a much more achievement oriented society, where we are willing to sacrifice a standard of living for potential gain through ingenuity and hard work. What is unfortunate, is that the "American Dream" seems to be disappearing as the insane balance of wealth shift that has occurred over the last 3 decades has made it increasingly difficult for the average man to get these achievements.

I tried but I can't see how gun ownership is anything like drug use but, okay?   Also, you can bury your head in the sand all you want about paranoia, these are your opinions and you are welcome to them.  The hogwash about a squadron of tanks crushing a thousand people is simply laughable, though.  If that were true America would have been in and out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam in a matter of weeks.  I myself can go down the street to my local sporting goods store and make anti tank mines and many other types of explosives.  Plus, 1000 people would only be the beginning. 

People like you have underestimated the power of a people's will to be free throughout history and been proven wrong perpetually.

Both are personal choices that MAY impact others if practice by irresponsible people.  Both are done by millions of people without having impact on anyone else.  Both are railed against by groups of people because of their POTENTIAL impact on others.  How do you not see how they are the same?

Comparing an external, unpopular occupation with the attempt to overthrow the government by treasonous buffoons, and the show of force for each, is worse than laughable.

I see, so gun ownership is also the same thing as Religion, Homosexual Relationships, Heterosexual Relationships and Food.  Sorry I didn't know you were going that broad.

I was using those as a reference for squadrons of tanks being defeated by people with AK's. 

Anywho, when the government is run by treasonous buffoons ... ah forget it.

Gun ownership is the same as any potentially dangerous personal choice that the government has no business regulating, but does have a business punishing neglectful, irresponsible, or intentionally damaging practice thereof.

If you want to live in a democracy (or democratic republic) then you are subject to the will of the majority.  If you don't like the governement, enact change through changing public opinion via persuasive argument and valid principles.  "I'm takin' 'merica BACK with my collection of drunkin lackeys" is a sure route to failure.

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