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HMV had no support for Nintendo at all - apart from Wii dance 3 that was on special offer at £18 almost everywhere and Mario And Sonic at the 2012 Olympic Games at £25 HMV stores are not making any effort to sell Wiis or Nintendo Products.

Wii was not in promotion, actually their prices were higher than everywhere else. £ds was sold out in big stores since end of november and no new stock arrived.

it is true that this helped them to sell all Used stock - by Xmas no used nintendo console or pre-owned games were available. o maybe this may have been a strategy for a company that had to focus on profits.

Said so they are not importing any new game, Boom Street, Kirby are not available, 3DS games are limited and with high prioces and the console the only 3Ds bundles is the white one priced £219.99 , £50 higher than all the other stores.


Game instead had a few nice offers, blue wii £89.99 on line £94.99 in stores, two day of Main 3ds games at £14.99 including starfox, nintendodogs, pilot wings, Pokemon and more. the stock is all sodl out now and prices are back to normal....


I think all this came to my mind after analyzing last week sales in the Uk, everything on offer at HMV made the top ten and France or Germany had higher sales then most of big Uk titles.

I am not sure what i want to say with this topic, but I had a spare ten minutes to write something...

