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Scariest entity? Hmm. Probably Pyramid Head in SH2 (I prefer creeps to jumps). Also Alma's a spooky little devil.

The entity that I feared the most though (not as in scared but as in oh, no this could ruin how well I'm doing) was the facehuggers in AVP2 - damn those suckers could ruin your day fast! Scuttle, scuttle, closeup of their underside with tube waving to go down your throat... immediate game over.

Speaking of AVP2 - there should be more games where you get to play the monster. I don't mean chose good vs bad paths a'la Fable or Star Wars. I mean play the monster. I loved how in AVP2 you could play as a marine and be on full alert the whole time, jumping at every 'ping' on your radar, then play as an Alien or a Predator and just feel damn invincible.

It sounds a little strange to say but I loved just hanging from ceilings watching people below, or sitting invisible as Predator watching guards thinking heh, heh, heh... you have no idea what's about to hit you!

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...