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It's inevitable that the announcement of a "coloured" (although it's more likely to be a gem, but you know what I mean) Pokemon game will appear within the next year or two. This could be great for the 3DS- and there are of course many exciting directions that they can take the series with the new handheld.

Discuss what you want to see in the next Pokemon game here :)

Points to consider:

- Predict a name for the next Pokemon games :p

- Will this provide a substantial hardware boost to the 3DS?

- When do you think Pokemon 3DS will be announced / released?

- Will you be buying it?

- Do you think that it will incorporate something like what we've seen in Pokedex 3D? Ie. 3D battle sprites?

Click this button, you know you want to!  [Subscribe]

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~