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For the entire sanctity of Apps that might be used for viewing programs such as "Sport Events" remember that Nintendo is now strongly partnered with Electronic Arts, and let us not forget that EA is one of the biggest related sports providers for gaming wise, but then again they've published plenty of content/games that were not sport related.  So let's see what the future brings us, but Nintendo isn't unwilling to let third-party developers work with their hardware on things like this.  Opera developed the Internet Browser on the Wii after all, just to name one.


And for whom that mentioned Nintendo is not particularly for non-gaming content:
While that has been very true in the past, it has changed quite a bit recently, and the biggest evidence of this is the Nintendo Video, which is made exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS and for video content only, albeit some of the content was still game related.  Not trying to offend, just making a point.
