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Mirson said:
Michael-5 said:
Boutros said:
Why can't we vote for Xenoblade? I'm sure 99% of people vote for games they haven't played anyway.

Yea, but at least for most games you have a reference. I can judge Batman Arkham City off my experience with Arkham Asylum, and I'd like to think that people at least played a bit of enough of the games on the list to get an impression.

Want to keep XenoBlade locked to that region. Many American region gamers don't know about it (since it's not released) and could vote it unfairly.

You can vote for it in Most Anticipated Game - Elimination Game thread.

But that gives Xenoblade a big advantage over the other games since only a few can vote it down; the other games can be voted down by everyone. And what happens when there are two or three games left on the list, and one of them happens to be Xenoblade? Will Xenoblade still be locked toward EU players? Xenoblade will undoubtly win if that happens.

So what do you suggest I do?

How about I remove region vote status when we get to the top 15? Sound fair? Your right it's unfair only European and Asian voters can vote for it, but they are the only ones who really have a chance to play it. Until the top 15 it's only fair that those who can play it can vote for it. If you live inAmericas an imported the game, you're free to vote for it now too.

Updated to here

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