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dsage01 said:
This list and thread is really unfair. So many haters with no life come back every three hours just to vote down a game they haven't played but since its on a different console they just love to hate it. A real game of the year thread would be only to vote once for your favourite game and once for the game you dislike. Because its the same people constantly hating the same game 20 times because they have nothing better to do. I expected better from the VGC community. Either a bunch of 13 year old's have taken over this site or just adults acting like kids when it comes to games. Disappointing...

You are taking this far to seriously or nowhere near seriously enough. Ether treat it as the unimportant borderline joke it is and accept that none of it matters in the least and people aren't really going to vote for the best games just the ones they personally like, or treat it like a game where you strategically vote and try and minipulate others to try and get your picks as high as possible.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!