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iPhone 4S 64 Gig
iPad 2
Various accessories for iOS products
The new full version of Metropolis
Janelle Monae's (American singer of many genres) two albums in her concept series: Metropolis and Archandroid.
Candy and chocolate
Several bottles of wine
Mass Effect 2 for Playstation 3
A grill
A set of metalic picture frames
and my favourite - a small set of 6 coins from the era of Constantine the Great, fairly interesting because he was essentially the founder of the Christian religion when he canonized the bible, and his images of Jesus on the backs of the coins are fairly interesting as he appears very differently than how we view him today; he is muscular/fit and has a crown resembling fire flames and holding what looks like a ball of some sort (I can't really make it out very well) - two of the coins have what might be tiny crosses (they are a little damaged/rusted/ancient looking, it is hard to tell everything).

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.