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ShadowSoldier said:
My question is how the hell did you get to fully appreciate MGS4 without MGS3

I both did and didn't. It appears I managed to grasp the story by reading about it both before and afterwards. I simply loved the emotional attachement I felt towards Snake that I had to understand it all. I guess in order to fully understand it, I read mostly about Big Boss and lalala; but I wasn't sure what exactly MGS3 would cover. Obviously it was everything I read. Going into it, I expected more but I had spoiled it while not knowing so x(. It was a sad day. Keep playing and saying: Oh I know this.. yeah I know this.


At the end of the credits, Ocelot speaks saying how nobody knew he was Adam. I kept going on and on about how he's Adam to my friend and I was like wtf they didn't even reveal it? I read about it somewhere I'm sure! He was like tripple crossing.. and bam credits. Oh yeah.. right. Damn I really ruined the story and plot for myself.


Whyyyyyyyy xD