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Dgc1808 said:
What blows my mind is that you complain about MGS3's cutsense but MGS4 is your favorite in the story. I still can't rap my head around it...


MGS4 allowed me to play practically every cutscene moment. I felt it was an amazing experience for me that blended gameplay with cinematics that till this day is only rivaled by Uncharted.


As for the story,
I was introduced to MGS with MGS4. So in order to fully understand it, I digged deep. So deep that perhaps I feel every single MGS game is actually MGS4 XD. To me it feels like MGS4 covered MGS3 but thats probably because I researched it. Although yeah.. I mean in MGS4 they tell you so much about MGS3 especially after credits. It felt like I was robbed of MGS3's story and I've emphasized this for the 3rd time now in this topic.


All I wanted to know is if aside from the Story, there was something that made this game extra-ordinary after 6-7 years.


Ive made up a list with moments of the game that truly amazed me.
1)The intro (Jesus christ XD)
2)The ladder (Because it reminded me of the amazing intro.. SNAYK EAATAAAAH)
3)The End (Such a fucking brilliant boss, wow.)
4)The Sorrow (Amazing, reflecting on how many lives you've taken. Pure brilliance.)

..Or actually add a 0)When Big Boss saultes over The Boss' grave with that tear in his eye.

Those are the moments I felt something epic. I guess an honourable mention would be Ocelot and Snake on the ship that Eva is driving. That fight.. although I didn't get to play it made me a tad upset. (You only got to pick a gun and pull the trigger). Im sure this must have been insane back in 2004 but after 2008, the immersion I got from MGS4 blew me the fuck away and I thought MGS3 (being better and all) was going to rival that aswell and not just the story. Lawl I get its funny that I say "Just" the story because the Story is fucking essiental, ESPECIALLY in MGS. I can understand MGS3 having an amazing plot and storyline, I really can and I am not robbing it off that. Im sad I didn't get to experience the story but like I said.. I simply wanted to know what else.


The soundtrack by the way is my favourite in any MGS.

The gameplay.. not so much but I believe every MGS might feel a tad outdated like someone mentioned above. It's very unique ofcourse but god I love melee in games and with a game that has this whole "CQC" aspect, I would LOVE for MGS3 to have had some deep stuff there. Even MGS4 being newer offers too little in that. It had this survival aspect... I guess I did not fancy Operation Snake Eater -> Naked Snake so much. Perhaps I am not that hardcore xP.

The lasting appeal.. the game has tons of different ways to approach things. Ofcourse nothing short of a true MGS game there.

The graphics.. I cannot comment. I found it to be bland but I am a graphic whore. Look at the games I play now. The only game that wow'd me playing a HD Remastered version is Shadow of the Colossus and that wasn't its graphics per se, it was the fact that I was blown away by the fact that you were able to do this in PS2 ..and I missed out on it XD. Once again I think it's because I am being spoiled right now, so badly that I can't appreciate things in the past which once again blows for me.

The story, said it already. Won't ever experience it in the way you other guys did. It feels like I got the entire MGS plot through MGS4. That game fucked me up so hard I was mindblown by how insane that story was. Turns out quite much was divided in the past games (Duuuh XD). I still didn't feel robbed of MGS1 and MGS2's story. I still struggle with MGS2's but the whole Solidus - Raiden thing was quite cool and I totally didn't read much into the Tanker incident along with the AI controlling Raiden and not the Colonel. I did know that the AI GW was gonna be destroyed from MGS4 but that was it. The focus I put into researching went largely into Liquid, Snake, Big Boss and Zero. I think I expected way too little from MGS1 as it's a PS1 game but I loved playing that game. I honestly rank it as high as MGS4 because my expectations were low even after MGS4 xD.


MGS3.. my expectations were just fucking crazy. I was like: Yeah, this is the game that'll blow MGS4 out of the water in pretty much every single aspect, hands "fucking" down. I love cinematic in games and I love cinematic games in general xD. MGS3 didn't offer what MGS4 and for instance UC3 does. I expected to be wow'd in the wrong way. Its all my fault entirely obviously.


To D2lewis or whoever feels like I am dead to them beacuse of this, let me fix that XD:
MGS3 is amazing but I didn't get to experience it. I am sad and devastated but even here I can acknowledge that the Story must have been crazy and ultimately I play MGS for the story (yeah well mostly). Can you remove the dagger from my back now? xD


ALSO, I feel like I hold MGS on a pedastole and that had to come back and kick me in the face eventually. I love the series so much that I am being overly critical. I had it coming x(