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#8: Pokemon Red/Blue (GameBoy/GameBoy Advance)
Release Date: September 30, 1998
Last Year: #8

I remember reading my issue of Nintendo Power (now you're playing with Power!) and coming across an advertisement for something called Pokemon. It showed a bunch of monsters that actually looked pretty cool, and a saying of "Gotta catch 'em all!". From then on I was intrigued by this Pokemon. In fact, my friends would want to play Pokemon at recess (where we would actually be the Pokemon. Yep, nerd.) and I wanted to be Charmeleon because he sounded cool (no idea what he looked like, but that's okay). Fast forward to Christmas, where I finally got a GameBoy Color and... you guessed it: Pokemon Red. Once I started, there was no end to this amazing adventure of a young Pokemon trainer named Red/Ash/_____. Raising your Pokemon was much more fun than it had any right to be, and there was always something to do while exploring the world of Kanto. By the time I finished the game... it was time to play again! I played this game so many times and had so much fun doing it (Missingno. is the greatest glitch ever!) that to this day I am a full fledged Pokemaniac. But this is the game that started it all, and I will be forever in it's debt! FOR POKEMON (yeah...)!

My first Pokemon: Squirtle (and thus began my tradition of Water Pokemon)
Gary MotherF&*^ing Oak: Has an awesome boss theme