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gebx said:
The things I don't like about the Microsoft -

1) They've lost so much money from the previous Xbox that they now penny pinch their customers

Example - They wouldn't let Epic give away Gears of Wars maps for free. Epic had to sneak in a multiplayer mode and call it a "patch" to fool Microsoft into giving away free content.

2) I also hate the way Gold Live account and Silver Live account are setup. Silver Live should get access to online games. Gold Live should get access to dedicated online servers for lag free games. Also since Gold Live Members already pay a fee, all online content should be offered for less. Makes sense since Gold members are the ones who pay for the servers that hosts all the content.

I have no problems with the noise, it's really not loud, I think it's just Sony and Wii fanboys who blow it out of proportion, and I also have never had a problem with the hardware. Their you have it, things that suck from Microsoft

1) Yeah I also thought it was cheap of them to not let Epic release the maps for free like they wanted to.  Apparently some people at Microsoft thought some people at Epic had a lot of gall to want to release the maps for free when Microsoft were the ones footing most of the cost for Gears of War and the maps.  Sort of like someone else giving away your money.  What those people don't/didn't realize is that Epic has a history of it even with the games they make with only their own money (they gave a way a lot of free stuff with Unreal Tournament after it's release, etc).

2) It's too bad online isn't free, I guess if Sony or Nintendo make a great online network that is the equivalent to Xbox Live and can provide it for free it might force Microsoft to change.