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pezus said:
bouzane said:

Sorry but the critics unanimously failed to criticize GTAIV. I remember when I booted up MGS4 for the first time and my friend Drew criticized the graphics almost as much as the story :/


You don't play many PC games do you? Battlefield 3's engine has some serious issues and the overall production values fall short of games like Crysis and Metro 2033.

Uhm, yes, yes I do...BF3 falls short of Crysis? Are you kidding me? Either your suffering from severe nostalgia that's clouding your memories or you're talking about a modded Crysis. Can't quite comment on Metro since I haven't played it enough.

a game i really love graphically is the witcher 2. sure it's not the best looking pc game but it looks really good for this kind of game. it has for example nice clothing textures.