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Let's do the math if it continued at current pace... 7,310,000/6 = 1,218,333.33 Now if we assume it went like that 1,218,333 is the average per month so far 1,218,333 x 12 = 14,619,996 assuming sales didn't change, so 10,000,000 - 12,000,000 would be a conservative(kinda low in my opinion) guess given Nintendo has done well to hold of some big titles to encite sales during Summer Fall and then there's the Christmas season.

If we want to be extremely generous we could assume they could carry on the incredible amount of hype for the year giving them an impressive 14-15,000,000 in the first year.

Now taking into account price drops, holidays, the people that can't find one, upped production. I have a feeling that Wii could surpass the PS2 eclipsing it's sales in less time then it took the PS2. Also there's the factor of any console changes in well color, DVD capability, this might result in some people who own one, purchasing yet another, there are people that do this after all. I'd say 5-7 years, if at all.


also in reply to

Kber81, PS2 was the second console in it's generation Dreamcast was the true first to the "Next gen" in that go. Also I'm fairly sure it was as good if not better in terms of power at least I always thought so but  I could be wrong about this.