pezus said:
Millenium said:
NotStan said: I never understood the gameplay estimates, DA:O was estimated to be at about 40+ hours gameplay, I finished it completely with all the side quests in 17, ME2 was estimated to be great amount too, I did it in about 21 on normal and 24 on insane(After alot of practice). I don't rush it either, I take my time with games, unless they're FPS. |
Well not everyone is as Awesome as us, eh?
Personally I findMass Effect 3 is looking fine, I have no problem with Shephard being a bit more boss than usual. Also just watched the R6: Patriots trailer... NICE!
Yeah, what do you think about that? Will we play as terrorists or...? And who was it that they attached the bomb too
Honestly (And somewhat dissapointingly) I would assume we'll play the team fighting the "terrorists", I'd be much happier if we could play as the terrorists for once though, maybe Ubisoft will make it come true. Hmm not sure really, I'd assume it was just a random banker, face didn't seem familiar from anything so...